Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dear Noelle

You are fearfully and wonderfully made! You have my whole heart and I love you more than you can know. You and I have such a great time together. Snuggling with a bottle, playing with all of Bubba's toys and chewing on everything in sight. I see you overcoming many obstacles. I see you trying to do things you may never be able to do. I want you to know I am here to help you adapt to the differences in your body. I'm here to tell you I love you every second...just the way you are. I am praying hard for you, for your future and all the challenges you may encounter. Your daddy loves you so much. I see the way he looks at you and already protects you from this world. You have an amazing Bubba that talks about you all the time. "Sissy awake, sissy poop and pea, sissy eat, sissy play with door, I love sissy." Your Bubba loves flipping around on the bed with you and hearing you laugh. Your laugh is contagious. We are all here for you. Today you are my joyful sweetheart and you really know nothing about your differences. I wish I could keep you protected from this world and that no one would ever make you feel bad about your differences. I know God will make you a strong woman. I know you will be great at this life. I will help find support for you through others who have these common differences. You are not alone. We all have differences and face challenges in life. I know I have. I will always be here to listen and talk with you. I want you to know their is an all mighty God who loves you and He is also hearing your every prayer. He wants the best for you. He will never leave your side no matter the circumstances. If you turn to Him you will find joy that surpasses all understanding. You will find rest for your soul. 

I love you my sweet baby <3

Friday, November 15, 2013